Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Communicating GIS - Module 2 Lab - Coordinate Projections

Hello Everyone!

This week in Communicating GIS, I learned all about different coordinate projection systems. Prior to these modules exercises, I knew some things about projections but not the level of detail that I learned about this week! Part of this week's lab that I would like to share with you is choosing a state in the United States and mapping that state based on an appropriate projection. For my area of interest, I chose the state of South Carolina. South Carolina is a good choice for this exercise because of two main reasons. The first being that South Carolina has only one State Plane region unlike most states (for example Florida has three state plane regions North, East, and West). Additionally, South Carolina falls within one UTM Zone, that zone being UTM Zone 17. Because these two potential projections fit so well, I chose NAD 1983 StatePlane South Carolina as my projection because state plane projections tend to be the most accurate. The map layout I created can be seen below.
By choosing this projection, the map is catered to South Carolina. In addition to this map, I added both a reference grid and graticule for map use.

~Map On!

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