Friday, January 31, 2020

Communicating GIS - Module 3 Lab - Terrain Visualization

Hello Everyone!

For this week's lab, we covered terrain visualization! There are many methods to visualize the terrain of the earth available in GIS. For this specific post, I want to delve in a little bit to a map I created using land cover and a hill shade map. The map I created can be seen below:

For this map, I was given a digital elevation model (DEM) and a landcover classification raster. For the land cover, I created a custom symbology that helps show the different land covers with distinct color choices. Where I had varieties of the same land cover, such as Fir tree land cover, I combined them together in one land cover group. I then created a hill shade, overlayed the land cover layer on it with increased transparency so the user can see the elevation features of the area and then created my map. All in all this map came out very well, although I would change Nonforested areas to black or a different neutral color for better area boundary distinction.

Map On!

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