Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing - Module Lab 3 - Intro to ERDAS Imagine and Digital Data

Hello Everyone!

This week's lab was all about using ERDAS Imagine which is essentially an image processing software that allows users to manipulate and view various types of remotely sensed data and other aerial imagery. Additionally, ERDAS supports vector data. ERDAS grants a user to view multiple sensed images at once, modify their color spectrum and even layer various types of data in one frame. Through ERDAS this week we took a subset snapshot of a remotely sensed image of Washington State. We then pulled this image of types of landcover into ArcGIS pro and created a map set. Through ERDAS I was able to see the category names of each landcover type for each pixel and calculate the area that each type of land cover took up within the subset image. My map can be seen below: 

As you can see, there are 7 (6 present) types of class area land covers within my subset map image. Within the legend, you can see the acreages of those class areas calculated. For this class, we will be using ERDAS more which is a very powerful tool that I am looking forward to using!

~Map On!

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