Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing - Module Lab 2 - Land/Land Cover Classification and Ground Truth

Hello Everyone!

This week's lab was focused on Land Use and Land Cover Classification and Ground Truthing. Land Use can be defined as the way humans use the landscape. This landscape usage can range from residential to commercial to agriculture or industrial. Land Use is not the easiest to decipher from a satellite image. Land Cover, on the other hand, is the biophysical description of the surface of the earth. Land cover can range from water to forests or wetlands. These types of features are much easier to identify from a satellite image. For this lab, I was tasked with creating a Land Use and Land Cover map from a satellite image of a portion of Pascagoula, Mississippi. For every unique feature on the image at a working small scale, I digitized and created polygon boundaries for each of the various types of land cover and land uses. The map I created can be seen below:

For my map, I ended up with 12 unique land use and land cover classes. For the second part of my lab, I had to ground truth 30 test point locations and create an accuracy statement. Overall I had a visual interpretation accuracy value of 80% which means 80% of my deduced land cover and land use guesses were correct and my map has 80% accuracy. See you next week!

~Map On!

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