Friday, July 5, 2019

GIS Programming - Module 7 Lab

Python 3.6.6 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Jun 28 2018, 11:27:44) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

>>> print ("Hello Everyone!") 

Hello Everyone!

I cannot believe it but this was the final lab of my GIS Programming Class! For this weeks lab material, I worked completely with raster image data which is hands down my favorite type of data in GIS (sorry vector...). This week I was tasked with creating a raster dataset from two existing rasters. The final output raster needed to meet the following conditions an include the following features:

1. Reclassified values of forest landcover (41,42, and 43). This only shows forested land.
2. Highlight elevation areas with a slope value greater than 5 degrees and less than 20 degrees.
3. Highlight elevation areas with an aspect-value greater than 150 degrees and less than 270 degrees.

Once the parameters of my script had been defined, I needed to create an overall structure of how my script would be written. This was how I designed my script.

>>>import necessary modules
>>>import (spatial analyst module)
>>>set outputs and overwrite parameter to true (print success message)
>>>conditional if statement that won't run if spatial analyst extension is not enabled
     >>>reclassify values of 41,42, and 43, to a value of '1'
     >>>set good slope value condition
     >>>set good aspect value condition
     >>>combine 3 rasters
     >>>save final combined raster (print success message)
>>>Else portion of statement that prints message saying saptial analyst isnt enabled.

As you can see from the results above, my script ran correctly with the print messages spread throughout to give the user updated progress as the script runs. If the spatial analyst extension was not enabled, the else statement message would have printed instead of the script running through completion. The results of my final raster also turned out successful. The areas in red are those that are all suitable according to the parameters I was given. All are forested areas that have a slope between 5 and 20 degrees and an aspect between 150 and 270 degrees. I hope you have all enjoyed this journey with me through this course, I have learned so much! Thank you for taking the time to keep updated on my pursuits and until next time...

~Map On!

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