Monday, May 20, 2019

GIS Programming - Module 1 Lab

Python 3.6.6 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Jun 28 2018, 11:27:44) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

>>> print ("Hello Everyone!") 

Hello Everyone!

Well, I can officially say that I have completed my first ever semester of Graduate school and I am loving it! To kick things off for this Summer semester, I am taking a GIS Programming class that will focus heavily on using Python (I just could not resist having a specialized intro for this blog series!) to create various GIS processes. For this weeks lab, I focused on primarily learning about the history of Python and some coding basics that include how to map out our code using flowcharts and pseudo code. I was also tasked with creating the required folder directories on my machine to work through the class from a provided script. To run this script, I had to use Spyder which is the Python interface/editor I will use primarily for this class. This was achieved by simply typing in the word 'spyder' into the Python command prompt. I then opened the script and examined each line to get an idea of what the script would do. Finally, I ran the script and it created my folder directories (seen below).
As you can see, the script I was provided created a series of directories for each module of the class. Since the class is 8 weeks in length, there are 8 modules in total. Within each module folder, there are three subfolders (Data, Results, and Scripts). I am so excited to be taking this class as I can continue to work with my preexisting Python skills and develop them further. I look forward to sharing my progress with you all!

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